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Yay! I just noticed that the scoreboard has 100 entries!

Nice use of the theme, and a cool idea for gameplay - really has flow to it while you groove along to the song! 

The music is really anoying, but the game is excelent!

The music is a placeholder. Stay tuned for an additional update with the final music and SFX.

The final music and SFX are in place, I hope you like it better now.

this game is really addicting. i like it a lot. great use of the theme as well. great work


Glad you liked it. Stay tuned for an additional update with the final music and SFX.

Nice idea, pretty hard to play. Although it feels like it should be played with two gamepad sticks :)


Thanks for playing. I did experiment with controlling both arms independently but I couldn’t finetune it properly and I decided to make it work with a single one. I think it adds to the challenge :)