En el mar profundo
Un atún suspira,
Sueña ser salmón.
Con un salto audaz
Deja atrás las olas,
Cruza el firmamento.
Entre las estrellas
Nada libremente,
Fuera de control.
In the deep sea
A tuna sighs,
Looking at the salmon fly.
With a daring leap
It leaves the waves behind,
Crosses the firmament.
Among the stars
It swims freely,
Out of control.
Objetivo: Come tantas palomitas como puedas y llega al espacio! Pero cuidado, el espacio está infestado de monstruos que te quieren comer, ah, y si te caes al fondo... Mala suerte, vuelvelo a intentar.Goal: Eat as much popcorn as possible and reach outer space. But beware, there are monsters that want to eat you, oh, and if you fall all the way down... Tough luck, try again.
Controles: Usa WASD o los cursores para mover al atún. Solamente puedes controlar movimiento dentro del agua, cuando salgas del agua, el atún está fuera de control. Usa Control, Espacio o Entrar para dar un coletazo. Necesitas energía para dar coletazos, busca palomitas y reposa para recargar energía. Controls: Use WASD or the arrow keys to move the tuna fish. You can only control the movement while in the water, out of the water the tuna is out of control. Use Control, Space or Return to kick your tail. You need energy to kick your tail, look for popcorn and rest to recharge the energy.
Desarrollado con ❤️ por Josep Valls en Santa Cruz.
Gráficos adicionales: https://kenney.nl/assets/input-prompts https://kenney.nl/assets/cursor-pack https://kenney.nl/assets/splat-pack
Musica: https://tallbeard.itch.io/music-loop-bundle
Sonidos adicionales: CC0 desde freesounds.org
Foto del cielo: CC0 desde rawpixel.com, retocada
Plantilla para los menús: https://github.com/crystal-bit/godot-game-template/tree/main
Developed with ❤️ by Josep Valls in Santa Cruz.
Additional graphics: https://kenney.nl/assets/input-prompts https://kenney.nl/assets/cursor-pack https://kenney.nl/assets/splat-pack
Music: https://tallbeard.itch.io/music-loop-bundle
Additional sound: CC0 desde freesounds.org
Night sky picture: CC0 from rawpixel.com, modified
Menu template: https://github.com/crystal-bit/godot-game-template/tree/main
Nota: Este juego fue desarrollado en 48 horas durante la TODO Game Jam 2024 🚀 con el tema "fuera de control" y la GDA Summer Blast Jam con el tema "tough luck" (mala suerte). Note: This game was developed in 48 hours during the GDA Summer Blast Jam with theme "tough luck" and  TODO Game Jam 2024 🚀 with theme "fuera de control" (out of control).
Subiré el proyecto de Godot al finalizar las votaciones de las jams y lo haré open source. I will open source the Godot project and upload it after the voting ends.

Updated 8 days ago
Published 9 days ago
AuthorJosep Valls
TagsGodot, Physics


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Awesome game! It was hard at first but I got the hang of it and scored 735! Well done!

(1 edit)

Pretty impressive! That puts you at the top of the leaderboard and those 700s already beat my high score!