This game is a submission to Unidos HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH Jam 2024 with the theme: "Legends" and the modifier "Ancestral".
The game is inspired by the Aztec mythos of creation and features the Nahuatl names of the gods, visuals inpired by ancient codices and Aztec numerals (see at the bottom).
Este es un juego para Unidos HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH Jam 2024 con el tema: "Leyendas" y el modificador "Ancestral".
El juego está inspirado en el mito azteca de la creación y presenta los nombres Náhuatl de los dioses, visuales inspirados por códices históricos y numerales Aztecas (ver en la parte inferior).

How to play:
Use the arrow keys or WASD to guide the feathered serpent. The serpent will continue moving once you have set a direction. Avoid crashing against a wall (dark green), an altar or temple controlled by your opponents or your own tail. Encircle an area with your tail and any other area you control (color white) to convert it to your own and gain influence. Your goal is to get as much influence as possible before the epoch for the fifth sun lapses.

Cómo jugar: Utiliza las teclas de flecha o WASD para guiar a la serpiente emplumada. La serpiente seguirá moviéndose una vez que hayas establecido una dirección. Evita chocar contra una pared (verde oscuro), un altar o templo controlado por tus oponentes o tu propia cola. Rodea un área con tu cola y cualquier otra área que controles (color blanco) para convertirla en tu propia área y ganar influencia. Tu objetivo es obtener la mayor influencia posible antes de que transcurra la época del quinto sol.

The calendar: At the bottom right of the screen there is an Aztec sun stone that marks the passing of seasons and the time left in the current epoch before the fifth sun is choosen. Every time a season completes, you will be awarded a score proportional to the area, altars and temples under your influence (color white). Convert temples and altars to extend the time you have in the current epoch but be aware that every time your tail is captured, you lose time in the epoch.

El calendario
: En la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla hay una piedra solar azteca que marca el paso de las estaciones y el tiempo que queda en la época actual antes de que se elija el quinto sol. Cada vez que se complete una estación, se te otorgará una puntuación proporcional al área, altares y templos bajo tu influencia (color blanco). Convierte templos y altares para extender el tiempo que tienes en la época actual, pero ten en cuenta que cada vez que se captura tu cola, pierdes tiempo en la época.

Scoring: The score is displayed at the bottom of the screen in Aztec numerals. At the end of each season you will get 1 point for each square of influence, 10 for each altar and 30 for each temple. Additionally, you will get a one time bonus of 60 points when you convert an altar and 180 points when you convert a temple plus some bonus time in the epoch.
Puntuación: La puntuación se muestra en la parte inferior de la pantalla en números aztecas. Al final de cada temporada obtendrás 1 punto por cada casilla de influencia, 10 por cada altar y 30 por cada templo. Además, recibirás una bonificación única de 60 puntos cuando conviertas un altar y 180 puntos cuando conviertas un templo, además de algo de tiempo de bonificación en la época.
Design and programming: Josep Valls.
Music and SFX by checkpoint:
Original feathered serpent drawings (free) by visionheldup via
Sunstone (Public domain):
Background paper (free):
Gods (CC0 and CC-BY ) from Wikipedia commons:
Temple symbols from the free templates from:
Diseño y programación: Josep Valls.
Música y efectos checkpoint:
Dibujos (gratis) by visionheldup via
Calendario (Public domain):
Papel de fondo (free):
Dioses (CC0 and CC-BY ) desde Wikipedia commons:
Aztec numerals:
Aztecs used a numbering system with base 20 instead of the modern use of base 10. Similarly to roman numerals, different symbols held different values and combining multiples of each symbol they could represent different quantities.
Numerales Aztecas:
Los aztecas usaban un sistema de numeración con base 20 en lugar del uso moderno de base 10. De manera similar a los números romanos, diferentes símbolos tenían diferentes valores y, combinando múltiplos de cada símbolo, podían representar diferentes cantidades.

Updated 2 days ago
Published 27 days ago
StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorsJosep Valls, ch3ckpo1nt
Made withGodot

Development log


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I like the map has a more complicated layout compared to other area claiming games. My first few attempts I tried to play aggressive and steal territory from the other players. I was getting around 7k points that way, and it didn't seem as successful. So I tried just going out towards the edges of the map and was able to claim a bunch of temples uncontested. Doing that, I totally steamrolled the other 3. I was exploring at the edges, and saw how, to get to the corner temples, I would need to be pretty precise. So it looks like to get highscores I'd really have to plan my route for the round. 

Thanks for your comments. That is precisely what I wanted to achieve. I envisioned a much bigger map where players could choose to explore different areas offering different challenges depending on their play style. As for a successful strategy, at the end of the day, balancing between securing uncontested temples and claiming the altars in the center will give you the best chances of a high score.